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Professional Masters in


Are you looking to grow as a professional? Do you want to improve your communication, leadership, and collaboration skills? Biotechnology is a fast-growing field that spans diverse emerging and established industries. It opens job opportunities that range from healthcare to government agencies. This degree focuses on biochemical, genetic, and molecular aspects of biotechnology. They are the key to the industry's future.

PSM Admissions

Transferrable Business Skills

(12 credits)

Advanced Quantitative Skills

(6 Credits)

Biotechnology Courses

(15 Credits)

Professional Experience Project

(3 Credits)

36 credits & a GPA Higher than 3.0

In graduate school, 9 credits and up is full-time. Full-time students can complete the program in 2 years. Part-time students take 2.5 to 4 years to complete the program.

Transferrable Skills Courses

Expect to take these courses with a cohort of peers from across the different PSM degree tracks.

You may need permission codes to register for classes taught by other departments. Contact advisors in those departments to get those codes. You can find a list of these courses on the PSM canvas course under Module 3: Program of Study.

Transferrable Business Skills

12 Credits

Advanced Quantitative Skills

6 Credits

Applied Statistical Techniques

MST 6600 - 3 Credits - Fall

Biotechnology Courses

Core Requirements

5 Credits

Graduate students are required to take courses in the following fields:

Bioanalytical Chemistry

CHEM 6740 - 2 Credits - Fall

Cell Structure Function

BIOL 5210 - 3 Credits - Spring

Human Genetics

BIOL 5210 - 3 Credits - Spring

Basic Immunology

PATH 5030/7330 - 3 Credits - Fall

Focus Area Electives

3 Credits

Students can choose courses from the following areas based on professional goals:

Biophysical Methods

BIO C 6420 - Fall

Structural Methods

BIO C 6430 - Fall

Regulation of Metabolism

BIO C 6600/BIO C 6601 - Fall

Gene Expression

BIOL 5120 - Spring

Cell Structure Function

BIOL 5210 - Spring

Advanced Genetics

BIOL 6140 - Fall

Regulatory Affairs I

BME 5110 - Fall

Genomic Signal Processing

BME 6770 - Spring

Systems Modeling

BMI 6103 - Spring

Bioanalytical Chemistry

CHEM 6740 - Fall

Polymers: Chemistry

CHEM 7300/5300/5050 - Spring

Biophysical Chemistry

CHEM 7450/6450 - Fall

Protein Chemistry

CHEM 7460/5460 - Fall

Nucleic Acid Chemistry

CHEM 7470/5470 - Spring

Mass Spectrometry

CHEM 7725 - Fall

Analytical Spectroscopy

CHEM 7770 - Fall

Lab on a Chip

CHEM 7790 - Spring

Applied Computational Genomics

H GEN 6060 - Spring

Human Genetics

H GEN 6500  - Fall

Biochemical Genetics

H GEN 7380/PATH 7380 - Fall

Environmental Communication

COMM 6360/5360 - Fall

Science & Risk Communication

COMM 7260 - Fall

Venture Trends

ENTP 6820 - Spring

Database Theory & Design

IS 6420 - Spring

Students need to contact an academic advisor to request permission codes for these courses

Managerial Negotiation

MGT 6500 - Spring

International Management

MGT 6790 - Spring

Business Development

MST 6110 - Summer

Professional Development

MST 6200 - Fall

Scientific Reasoning

MST 6500 - Spring

Project Planning

MST 6974 - Fall/Spring

Professional Project

MST 6975 - Fall/Spring

Nanoscale Probing & Imaging

MSE 6075 - Fall

Systems Engineering

ME EN 6960 - Spring

Six Sigma for Managers

OSC 6425 - Spring

Project Management

OSC 6660 - All Terms

Biostatistics I

PBHLT 6100 - Spring

R Programming for Health Research

PBHLT 6102 - Summer

Med Basics PH Profess

PATH 6625 - Summer


PHCEU 6020/BME 6302 - Spring

Molecular Biology

PHCEU 7010 - Fall


PHCEU 7230/ BME 6405 - Fall

Business Law

STRAT 6310 - Fall

Business Turnarounds

STRAT 6750 - Spring & Fall

Profiles of Leadership

STRAT 6760/5750 - Spring & Fall

Course availability is subject to change. Substitute classes are available, upon approval. Courses may have prerequisites. Students are responsible for confirming they meet course requirements and prerequisites. These courses are in the General Catalog.

Professional Experience Project

3 Credits

This project is a critical component of any PSM program & required for graduation.

It is a hands-on project in a real work environment of business & science.

Professional Experience Project Planning

MST 6974 - 1 Credits - Fall/Spring

Professional Experience Project

MST 6975 - 3 Credits - Fall/Spring



Last Updated: 12/23/24