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Transferrable Skills Courses

Apply to a PSM Program

Expect to take these courses during your first year. You will progress with a cohort of peers from across the PSM degree tracks.

Transferrable Business Skills

(12 credits)

Advanced Quantitative Skills

(6 Credits)

Degree Program Courses

(15 Credits)

Professional Experience Project

(3 Credits)

36 credits & a GPA Higher than 3.0

In graduate school, taking 9 credits full-time. Full-time students can complete the program in 2 years. Part-time students take 2.5 to 3.5 years, 4 years at most, to complete the program.

Transferrable Skills Course Information

You may need permission codes to register for classes taught by other departments. Contact advisors in those departments to get those codes. You can find a list of these courses on the PSM canvas course under Module 3: Program of Study.

Transferrable Business Skills

12 Credits

Professional Development for Scientists & Engineers

MST 6200 - 3 Credits - Fall

This course teaches scientists & engineers how to excel in their careers.

This course includes:

  • Interactive lectures
  • Practical exercises
  • real-world case studies
  • Self-assessments

Students will learn:

  • To improve their professional abilities
  • To be better communicators
  • How to advance their careers

This is a cohort class for first-year PSM students.

Operations & Project Management for Scientists & Engineers

MST 6210 - 3 Credits - Spring

This course offers functional skills for & the improvement of organizational processes.

Students will learn:

  • To manage value creation
  • Effective and efficient process design
  • Operational design and theory
  • To plan and organize functions of management
  • To carry out and oversee functions of management

Scientific Reasoning & Inquiry

MST 6500 - 3 Credits - Spring

This course teaches scientific reasoning, inquiry, and problem-solving skills. 

Topics covered include:

  • Simple and theoretical induction
  • Bayesianism
  • Statistical and causal hypotheses
  • Using scientific information in decision making
  • Inference to the best explanation
  • Science and the individual
  • Science and society

Required of all first-year PSM students.

Business Development for Scientist & Engineers

MST 6110 - 3 Credits - Summer

This course teaches business management & development skills.

Students will learn:

  • Modern business practices
  • How to create and use effective business plans
  • To make business forecasts and scenarios
  • To be effective managers
  • Marketing and sales strategies
  • Financial planning and analysis

Advanced Quantitative Skills

6 Credits

Applied Statistical Techniques

MST 6600 - 3 Credits - Fall

This course teaches exploratory data analysis (EDA) and the R coding language.

This course includes:

  • Practical exercises
  • Real-world examples

Students will learn:

  • To apply graphical EDA to representative data sets using:
    • Scatter plots
    • Box plots
    • Histograms
    • Probability plots
    • Residual plots
    • Mean plots
  • The RStudio platform
  • Standard and quantitative data evaluation techniques

No prior knowledge of the R coding language needed and you should bring your laptop.

Professional Experience Project

3 Credits

This project is a critical component of any PSM program and required for graduation.

It is a hands-on project in a real work environment of business and science.

Professional Experience Project Planning

MST 6974 - 1 Credits - Fall/Spring

This course assists with methods and skills needed to complete a professional project.

Students will learn:

  • Realistic goal setting
  • Project initiation
  • To define objectives and scope
  • To identify and manage risk
  • Resource allocation
  • Scheduling
  • To keep track of progress
  • Closure

Professional Experience Project

MST 6975 - 3 Credits - Fall/Spring

This course bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

This project must be completed with a sponsor. This is usually a local business, government agency, or non-profit. Students will be able to apply diverse skills gained from their studies such as:

  • Problem-solving,
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Project management
  • Collaboration
Last Updated: 5/31/24